Bazan Monthly: Volume 1


So. We’re trying something new. We’re calling it Bazan Monthly: Two New Songs on the 1st of every month for the next five months, which makes ten. Those Ten New Songs will collectively be known as Volume 1. Each month’s pair of New Songs will be available as a digital download or on 7″ Vinyl (which also comes with a digital download). The Digital Download will be immediately available on the 1st of the month and the 7″ Vinyl will be shipped to you a few weeks later.

Now, some of you are asking “Can I pay for Bazan Monthly Volume 1 all at once and automatically receive each month’s New Songs in my “E” and/or “Snail” mailbox?” and the answer is Yes. Absolutely. You are welcome to do so until the end of July at which point that option will disappear from the Undertow Store.

You are, of course, welcome to buy them one installment at a time anytime you like. But keep in mind: while we aren’t limiting the 7″ Vinyl to a specific number of copies we will only continue to press them until the end of november. Which means if you want any or all of the 7″ Vinyl you will need to order before then.

At this point others of you are asking “Does calling it ‘Volume 1′ mean there will be more Volumes in the future?” Yes. That is precisely what it means.

OK then, to recap:
– 2 new songs each month July-November 2014 (Volume 1)
– Vinyl + digital or digital only
– Buy individually each month or pay for all 5 installments in Volume 1 up front.
– Immediate digital downloads, the first edition vinyl ships in mid-September.
– All vinyl pressings stop December 1, 2014, so order before that.

Also, you can stream each month’s songs for free around here somewhere to see if you even dig ’em.

Well, that’s about it. Thank you so very much for buying music and going to shows. I couldn’t continue to make music the way I do without your support.

Best Wishes, Dave