“That guy treats objects like women”

October 15, 2009 :   Local 506 : Chapel Hill, NC

My favorite moment of the night was dinner from Carburrito and getting to hang with my friends Perry, Morgan, and Matt briefly.

We stayed at Bazan’s friends Jeff & Tricia’s house, and what a house it was! If you’ve ever perused a copy of Dwell Magazine it looked like an awesome, more indie-rock version of whatever the coolest thing you saw was. This morning we had delicious biscuits from Neil’s Deli and delicious coffee from Open Eye Cafe. Chapel Hill/Carrborro knows how to eat.

October 16, 2009 :   Black Cat : Washington, DC

Tonight was the best show of the tour. The band totally killed it – at one point someone at the merch table in the middle of “Cold Beer and Cigarettes” threw down their shirt and said “I’ll be right back,” before running back towards the stage in response to one of Casey’s drum fills. There were about 450 people there, and the Black Cat is an awesome venue with the most helpful staff of all time and an awesome cargo elevator.

I wanted to put Barack Obama +1 on the guest list just in case, but Matt wouldn’t let me. Here are some pictures from the last few days on tour. If you click them they get bigger.