“I know how to throw a hotel room party”

8126_175576977104_703522104_3255086_51495_n October 20, 2009 : TTThe Bear’s : Cambridge, MA

TW Walsh, whom you most likely know if you’re reading the David Bazan tour blog, came down for the New York show and rode down to Boston with us. On the way down we played some fun van games, ate some bad fast food, and generally hung out.

Today, the 20th, was a day off in Boston/Cambridge until our 6:00 pm load-in at TT The Bear’s in Cambridge. Alex, Matt, and I decided to wander around Cambridge, the rest of the dudes hung out at TW’s for the afternoon. After a delicious lunch, Alex dissapeared, so Matt & I hit up the super-excellent Twisted Village Records, where we both found a handful of stuff we were psyched about, and then the MIT Press Bookstore where I saw about thirty books I wanted to purchase. However, being poor, I decided to get just one, which was on sale. A Bazan fan was working the register, a fact he had established with Matt through small talk, asking why we were in town. I was hoping for a sweet discount since we were rockognized and all, but no such luck.

The Soft Drugs played first of three for this show, and it was an incredible treat. TW writes amazing songs, and he has an amazing band, of which he’s probably the most impressive member. Anyone who can drum that well and sing songs has something figured out.

October 21, 2009 : The New York Thruway, New York

Today was a “day off” (Drive day). We drove the entirety of the New York thurway, stopping at five “service areas” which all looked eerily similar, prompting a running groundhog day joke. When we got to the hotel we all met in Bazan’s room to watch “The Hangover,” which was on HBO. Bazan decided to order some nasty/awesome hotel bar chicken wings, fries, and onion rings for us (what a great boss) and set up a pretty amazing hotel room bar that was comprised of ice filled trash cans, left-over rider beer, and a half-empty bottle of tequila – a regular Martha Stewart, that one.